Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Facebook entertainment...

Well I have been away from the blog lately and I've actually had a few people ask me about it which is exciting since I didn't realize anyone was reading haha.

So I know most of y'all have Facebook and know that it's just a big soap opera (which is part of the fun). Well now they have Garage Sale sites where you can buy and sell stuff without waking up at the crack of dawn while strangers try to buy stuff for pennies. Well these 89 different (probably more) sites are adding to my daily Facebook entertainment! Some people like to argue over stuff and I just like to imagine these people standing at an actual garage sale fighting in someone's yard over something worth about $4. That could be worth going on its on!!

Now I will say there are a few things I have been interested in and I've bought a couple things that i thought were pretty good deals but I just can't understand some people getting so upset over a GARAGE SALE! Maybe it's just me but it's about like folks getting upset about garbage and trash being missed lol.

Guess that's all for today I gotta get back to all the good Facebook drama and figure out what the loud crash in the kitchen was (I'm sure it involves a cat lol). Hope y'all have a good Wednesday (yep I still have to say wed-nes-day! Don't act like you don't do it too!!!