Tuesday, October 30, 2012

OMG she's baaackkk.....

Seems like every time I come back I end up posting one or two entries and then poof I disappear again. I always say I am going to do better and I keep letting everyone down. Geez I'm just horrible. :) 

Moving on to recent events in my life, I didn't get that job I wanted. Sorry thing about it was I was basically told I had it and then bam like a magician pulling the table cloth out from under fine china it was ripped away. But like a crappy magician that same china didn't land back where it should have it all went crashing down and I did get a little emotional. I was really excited for a new adventure and had been thinking about the changes in my near future and then ohh nevermind stick to your old boring self. I guess I should say this, I am thankful and happy to have a job. I know I complain too much I am trying to work on that because I have it better than some people.

Speaking of that why are people so good at complaining? Some people that seems to be their forte. All they know how to do is complain. We all do it, I realize that, but some people just do it too much. Some people may actually think I do it too much but those people must not be friends with some of the people I am friends with on Facebook lol. I try to keep it to a minimum. Others should follow suit.

Take the recent horrible hurricane that is still effecting the North East. Some are without homes, power, food and we are sitting here talking about how we don't like what so-and-so said about the election. Really? We should all be coming together and praying for those that are going through what this town went through just a year and a half ago. We know how it feels to be down and we know how it feels to feel like the rest of the world could care less. Lets not be that way. I care. Do you?

By the way I have ADD so I don't stick to one subject long. This is why I can't make myself read a book. Sometimes its hard for me to sit through a movie. I couldn't even tell you when the last time I went to the movies was.

Moving on, how about that Alabama football team. I mean they are looking better than I have seen them look for a while. I just hope it stays that way especially this week with LSU. Maybe that will be my early birthday present (I think I asked for that one last year too...)

Ohh yeah btw my birthday is next week! I will be the big 27. Yeah that doesn't even seem right. Where did the time go? I can't be 27. I guess I will be and there's no turning back. 

Well I will end this with a favorite quote of mine.

"Ma'am, I don't know what else you want me to say to them. And I'm also gonna need to know where your commode's at." 

Points for anyone who knows where it comes from :)

Ohh and heres a cool video of Ryken :) With that aim he is working on QB status (at Alabama of course!)