Friday, April 26, 2013

I love my kitties....

Today for some reason I have been thinking about all the helpless animals out there. I guess looking through my facebook feed there are so many precious animals looking for homes. It breaks my heart into pieces seeing the looks of fear on their faces! They don't understand what they have done wrong.
Some were given up by former owners for reasons they don't understand as well. They love unconditionally and then suddenly they are disposed of because someone got bored with them. They don't know what they have done wrong and it hurts that I can't help them.

Most people don't understand how much it hurts me. Sometimes I feel bad that animals sometimes mean more than humans to me. I guess its because of their innocence. And the fact that they are always there for you no matter what. They love always, and forget easy. 
One thing I look forward to every single day is going to my house and seeing all of my cats run to the kitchen when I walk in the door to greet me. Living alone and not having children it is good to feel that someone out there counts on you and they let me know they need me. Even if to just feed them or clean up after them they need me. But I also realize how much I need them. 

Some people think cats are standoffish and not as caring as dogs. I disagree. I think a cat chooses one or two people to attach emotionally to and anyone else is just in the way. My cats are always there. When I am sad or upset its like they know and they will be right there nudging my hand and purring to let me know its going to be ok. They listen and don't give unsolicited advise. They are like my children. If that makes me crazy cat lady then so be it.

 I have truly been blessed with 7 of the sweetest babies ever and I am thankful for them coming into my life everyday. I can't imagine my life without a single one. Even though they have their own quirks or personalities they are all special to me. I just wish there was some kind of way I could save 7 more but I know I have to make myself stop because I don't want to end up on hoarders lol. Those people on hoarders have such big hearts they just don't know when to stop and luckily right now I do. 

Its always funny thinking about how much $ I actually spend on these cats! They have it made! They have their own room and bathroom in my 2 bedroom home. They have 10 cardboard boxes, a cat tree, a futon, two tables, and a ladder for them to play on. They also get to sleep on my gel memory foam bed whenever they please and have 2 couches to sleep on. They have a big window they can watch the neighborhood all day through. They are 7 little spoiled babies! 

Sorry this post was basically me ranting and raving but I had to get it out and what better way! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Its gone rain....

Guess what? I am back. Yes, you are reading this correctly two days of posts back to back! I don't know what has gotten into me! I told you I was going to do better :)

So in case you didn't know there are some storms coming to Tuscaloosa later tonight and early in the morning. Really? Storms in Alabama? Who would have ever guessed!! 
You would think that some of these people that have called us today have never experienced rain yet alone a storm. They like to remind us that they are special and believe that theirs and only their trash should be picked up immediately because as we have already established there's a storm coming.....Now lets think about this for a minute. If you are that worried about the "storm" blowing your trash away then maybe don't leave it out there. I'm sorry we can't make special pick ups just for those of you who are aware of the approaching storm but its just not feasible
This is how I picture everyone that calls and mentions a storm coming.

Its still pretty funny though because there is always an excuse that it needs to be picked up ASAP. And most of them just make me laugh! 

My favorite one is when they get upset and say they have company coming over. I guess that means we should drop what we are doing and get it. I am sorry but whatever company you have coming over are a bunch of pricks if they are judging you because of something that really isn't your fault. I always think if someone is going to think bad about me because I put trash out and it wasn't picked up then they don't need to be at my house in the first place. 

We have some people that call because their neighbors have trash out and "it looks bad". Look lady I may not like something in my neighbors yard but it really shouldn't affect me. I mean if that were the case I guess I need to report the guy down the street because I don't like the car thats in their driveway. Come on people its not the end of the world.

One day hopefully they will figure out that I am not out to get them, we don't hate them, we don't intentionally miss them or get behind. These things happen and I personally just do as I am told so cursing at me and getting angry over something so small really won't solve much. But until then I will just try to laugh at the angry crazy people :)  

But hey you never know. Alabama weather is unpredictable so yall stay safe and be prepared. And if you see Mr. Spann then get ready! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Clear all the jelly.....

Yes I am still alive. I have been wanting to come back but just didn't know what to blog about. Guess thats what happens when you live such an uneventful life. 

I'm gonna try to do this more often and talk about random stuff that pops in my head so bare with me.

Today's topic........freakin Candy Crush!

Who else is hooked on this game like Lindsey Lohan on drugs?  I mean its beginning to get a little out of control. But I can't stop playing! I have been stuck on Level 65 for a few weeks now and my level of determination has become like that of an athlete training for the olympics lol. Well maybe not that intense but you get the idea.

So I found some pictures that I thought were hilarious and pretty much sums it up.


I mean really? Stupid jelly!

Well there ya go thats my randomness for today. I have some candy to crush so I must go. I will leave you with one last picture :)