Well here we go. Guess this is going to be more of me ranting than anything else so if you don't like it then stop reading NOW.
Ok, so basically my job consists of answering the phones and listening to complaints (and on rare occasions compliments). I do like my job and I love my paycheck :) I am very thankful to have a good job but sometimes this place makes me crazy. I know it happens to everyone no matter where they work but for some reason I just never realized people act the way they do about such trivial matters. Sometimes I find it to be pretty amusing.
For instance, there was a holiday this week. Fell smack dab in the middle of the week. It was 4th of July and it just so happens we celebrate it every year. Most people I know do as well. It seems that whenever we have a holiday this place goes crazy. Sometimes I would rather just skip the holiday and save the trouble of having to explain to people that things may change during a holiday week. Ohh and don't always believe what the paper says. For some reason they can't seem to get it right and then it just gets everyone all confused.
I never knew that garbage and trash could be such a big deal to people. You wouldn't believe some of the calls we get. I have never EVER once thought about calling Tuscaloosa about my garbage not being picked up because its a holiday. Heck I've never once called them about anything. But by golly you would not believe the people that get super upset about change. We all talk about how we should write a book about some of these people. We have been cussed out, threatened, yelled at, all because of someone's garbage.
Then there are some that think the rules do not apply to them. They don't like it when you tell them that either. I never realized there are people out there who put garbage in a can without putting it in a garbage bag first. That's pretty gross. But no there are some that do that and they get mad when they find out that the guys don't (and shouldn't) put their hands down in the garbage cans and grab up the nastiness that is left in there. Come on people!
If you think im lying please sit here for one day and I promise you will hear at least 10 good stories. Guess thats one good thing about my job. There's definately never a dull day around here :) Thank goodness for these hour lunch breaks!
Diary of a Mad Cat Lady
Monday, February 13, 2017
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Theres another one...
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Link is Mr. Photogenic |
Link all layed out in his cage! |
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The ride home. Look at those eyes! |
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First day in his new home! Looks comfy don't he :) |
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My two boys! Yoda and Link. |
And here we are a few months later and he seems to be getting along really well with the others! Just took some getting used to and now we are a big happy family :)
Gonna have to call it quits on getting kitties for a while. I bet everyone reading this is thinking, don't you say that every time? hahaha, yeah I do but I mean it this time!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Has it really been that long??
Who would have thought time would go so fast? It's officially been 10 years since I graduated high school. So much has changed in 10 years, friendships, relationships, addresses, appearances, job titles, etc but funny thing is I can remember so many details about high school its almost scary. It must've been because I had such an enjoyable senior year! Not counting the whole having to learn part (which lets face it I barely made it through) but the just everyday things.
Yeah, I am about to ramble on about memories. If you aren't really looking to relive my senior year then I suggest you stop reading right about here.
Lets see, its senior year. As some of you may know the summer before my senior year I had a major surgery. Best decision of my life and I was feeling better about myself already! My best friend was Amy Fegaro and we did everything together! We have so many crazy funny stories we could write a book. We had a group that stuck together but we didn't just hang out with our group.
Half of my senior year could be summed up spending my weekends on Lake Judson. Man, those were the days! Most everyone that went to Holt knows about some Lake Judson and has some kind of memory there. If not there, then Keene's Mill or whatever the designated "well pad" was for that weekend. Looking back I would say we were a wild bunch. Can't believe all that we've been through dodging police and getting stuck in national forests lol.
Our whole group went to the beach for spring break which we considered our senior trip too. Yeah we were poor but we had a freaking blast. We rented a house and all stayed together! (We found ways around the being 25 to rent a house thing without getting caught too!) That was a trip. Like I don't even know where to start, alcohol in the washing machine, Amy flooding the dishwasher, Laura (ohhhh sweet Laura) counting, the "movies" we watched, our precious little ball of fire Jessica with her saran wrap dress, Brandy being my fellow shopper, and Stacy just being, you know, Stacy!
Back to the whole school part, since this is about my senior year, I remember the best class being Government/Economics class which was taught by our Principal Mr. Booth! We had fun in that class and I can honestly say he was a good teacher because I learned a little too! I also loved Medical Professions because Dr. Perkins always made it interesting and who can forget a rousing game of medical bingo! Plus getting to leave to
go to clinicals was pretty cool too but it also taught me I was not cut out for the medical field. It takes a special person to be a nurse or doctor and I'm greatful there are those out there cut out for that profession!
Can't forget about Prom! I didn't really have a date but my friend Steven did walk me out for leadout so I wouldn't be that girl walking by herself hahaha. Thanks Steven! But I got to spend a fun filled night with my friends even though they made me eat at the Olive Garden (Ughh I am not a fan) and we made my jeep our own limo hahaha. We went to Trent's house afterward where we all spent the night with the plans of going to Waffle House the next morning. I'm pretty sure I don't remember that happening lol. Either way we had fun as we always did!
On to graduation. I remember it had rained and at graduation practice the day before they told us that it was going to be a last minute decision on whether it was on the field at the school or at a church. If it was at the church there was limited seating available which meant you could only invite 6 people. That would leave some of my family members out so we were all hoping that it wouldn't rain. We kept our
fingers crossed. That afternoon me and Amy were bored so we drove to the school and they were setting up the chairs outside and we got so excited! It was going to be outside! We went home and got ready and came back at our time to be there and parked in my reserved parking place one last time for good measure :). During the whole ceremony none of us behind the speakers could hear what anyone was saying and you know how we get, some of the teachers had to tell us to be quiet lol. Go figure we would get in trouble for talking at our own graduation. All in all it was a great night! I couldn't believe I was finally a graduate. Later that night of course we celebrated, but I ended up leaving the party and going to hang out with Josh and Chelsea where we literally sat outside laughing and talking until the next morning when Tammi left for work hahaha. I miss those days!
I know this has been a pretty long post but I just needed to let out some memories :) I hope ya'll enjoyed taking a little stroll down memory lane. There is so much that I didn't put in here. I could write for days about all the great times I had back then. Back when we didn't have to worry about much. No bills, no full time job, no mortgage, no big responsibilities. Now look at us. Half of my classmates are married with children. Growing up is tough but I think we've all done a pretty good job at it! I'm proud to be a Holt High School alumnus! I will always remember my friends from the Class of 2004! Can't wait to see ya'll at the reunion!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Ok so today we are talking about kids. Yep thats right KIDS. Most of you have them. Not me. I am 27 years old and have never really had the urge to have children. I don't know if it makes me selfish or what but it seems like everyone has them. I still haven't decided if I will go down that road someday but as they say my window of opportunity is getting smaller lol.
I guess I need to find the guy first. And I am in no rush for that one thats for sure. Sometimes I don't really know if I am meant to be with someone. I actually like being alone. I can do whatever I want, sleep late, cook for one, lay around all day in my pjs. I mean the possibilities are ENDLESS! Again I think that makes me selfish but whatever.

I sometimes think how great it would be to know that I helped create something. That I am able to raise a child and teach it right from wrong. To know I have brought something in the world to be proud of. It would also be nice to feel needed occasionally. Everyone has a need to feel that someone in the world depends on them and who better to express that feeling than a child. But then I start thinking what if I screw up? What if the kid turns out horrible because I failed them somehow? I know my parents had a rough time with me bc I was a mean kid and I have a feeling I would get repaid 10 times over for that! I know my sister is getting her end of it from her kiddos but sometimes it makes me laugh (I know that is wrong but I can't help it! its almost like secretly paying her back for those times she was mean to me too) LOVE YOU SIS :) but for real I know being and Aunt is wonderful but is that where I want to draw the line?
I gotta remember this lol |
Such a touch decision. Until that day comes when I really have to decide then I will enjoy my quiet house by myself :) and save me some money because my goodness kids are expensive but thats a whole nother can of worms right there!
Don't get me wrong I love kids. I really do enjoy them but I like them when they can walk and do activities and hold a conversation lol. I mean I'm great with kids 4 and up! Ryken and Adyson are awesome because they are old enough to know whats up!
Friday, April 26, 2013
I love my kitties....
Today for some reason I have been thinking about all the helpless animals out there. I guess looking through my facebook feed there are so many precious animals looking for homes. It breaks my heart into pieces seeing the looks of fear on their faces! They don't understand what they have done wrong.
Some were given up by former owners for reasons they don't understand as well. They love unconditionally and then suddenly they are disposed of because someone got bored with them. They don't know what they have done wrong and it hurts that I can't help them.

One thing I look forward to every single day is going to my house and seeing all of my cats run to the kitchen when I walk in the door to greet me. Living alone and not having children it is good to feel that someone out there counts on you and they let me know they need me. Even if to just feed them or clean up after them they need me. But I also realize how much I need them.

Sorry this post was basically me ranting and raving but I had to get it out and what better way!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Its gone rain....
Guess what? I am back. Yes, you are reading this correctly two days of posts back to back! I don't know what has gotten into me! I told you I was going to do better :)
You would think that some of these people that have called us today have never experienced rain yet alone a storm. They like to remind us that they are special and believe that theirs and only their trash should be picked up immediately because as we have already established there's a storm coming.....Now lets think about this for a minute. If you are that worried about the "storm" blowing your trash away then maybe don't leave it out there. I'm sorry we can't make special pick ups just for those of you who are aware of the approaching storm but its just not feasible
Its still pretty funny though because there is always an excuse that it needs to be picked up ASAP. And most of them just make me laugh!
My favorite one is when they get upset and say they have company coming over. I guess that means we should drop what we are doing and get it. I am sorry but whatever company you have coming over are a bunch of pricks if they are judging you because of something that really isn't your fault. I always think if someone is going to think bad about me because I put trash out and it wasn't picked up then they don't need to be at my house in the first place.
We have some people that call because their neighbors have trash out and "it looks bad". Look lady I may not like something in my neighbors yard but it really shouldn't affect me. I mean if that were the case I guess I need to report the guy down the street because I don't like the car thats in their driveway. Come on people its not the end of the world.
But hey you never know. Alabama weather is unpredictable so yall stay safe and be prepared. And if you see Mr. Spann then get ready!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Clear all the jelly.....
Yes I am still alive. I have been wanting to come back but just didn't know what to blog about. Guess thats what happens when you live such an uneventful life.
I'm gonna try to do this more often and talk about random stuff that pops in my head so bare with me.
Today's topic........freakin Candy Crush!
Who else is hooked on this game like Lindsey Lohan on drugs? I mean its beginning to get a little out of control. But I can't stop playing! I have been stuck on Level 65 for a few weeks now and my level of determination has become like that of an athlete training for the olympics lol. Well maybe not that intense but you get the idea.
So I found some pictures that I thought were hilarious and pretty much sums it up.
I mean really? Stupid jelly! |
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