Well I guess its time to do another entry. I think this is just mainly me wanting to get stuff out of my head and onto here. I am sorry but I may ramble. You have officially been warned :)
So, Christmas is almost here. It seems to get here faster every year. I don't know about yall but I wish it would slow down a bit so we actually have time to celebrate Christmas. Seems everyone gets so wrapped up in what they are buying for everyone else we forget the real reason. I know we all know the real reason but just seems like material things are taking over.
My favorite part of the holidays are being able to slow down and relax a bit. I get to see family. I have the best family a girl could every ask for. I get to sit around and joke and talk about random stuff with them for hours. I wish we would do that more often. I wish it didn't take a holiday to bring us all together for no other reason then to just sit and talk and be together. I don't know why but recent events have to make us all stop and think. There may not be a tomorrow. There may not be a Christmas. We haven't made it there yet so enjoy every minute we get here and remember the reason we are here. Its not to see who can buy the best presents or most expensive things its about spending time with the ones that you love. Just think of those who don't have that luxury. Think of those 27 families who will never get to sit and and have those memories with their loved ones. If you can sit and complain because you don't get what you want after thinking about that then may god have mercy on you because that just hits you like being punched in the stomach.

She always had a collection of them on her table in her living room lined up. She watched them everyday and when they bloomed she was so proud. I always looked forward to buying it every year because I knew no matter what she was going to like my gift! I haven't bought an amaryllis this year. I want to try to find an artificial one and maybe put them on her grave so she will know I didn't forget her present!
I am sorry this whole post has been somewhat depressing. That was not my intention at all but I just think about these things when the holidays arrive as I am sure anyone with loved ones that have passed do. I know they are going to have the biggest celebration up there so we should all let that make us feel better!
In more exciting news! My sister will have the kids this Christmas morning! I think we are all going to sneak over there Christmas morning before they get up and watch them see what Santa brings. I know I've said before its not about presents, but being able to see the faces of my two favorite kids light up is enough to make my day! I was so excited when my mom told me about it! I can't wait to just get to spend time with my sister and the kiddos and my parents! I mean look at these kids! How can you not have a blast when they are around (except when they are trying to make each other mad hahaha)
I'm sorry this post went all over the place, just had to get a lot of these thoughts written down and out of my head! This is my therapy :)
I hope everyone that reads this and their families have an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Year! Don't forget to cherish every minute you have with your loved ones. Forget the presents, they are nice, but they can be replaced. Family can not!
I leave you with a quote from one of my favorite Christmas movies!
"The most enjoying traditions of the season are best enjoyed in the warm embrace of kith and kin. Thith tree is a thymbol of the thpirit of the Griswold family Chrithmath."